Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th December 1783

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: s17831210-1

The Trials being ended the Court proceeded to pass sentence as follows:

Received sentence of death. 23.

Robert Dewar < no role > , alias Dewars, alias Deewar, James Roberts < no role > This name instance is in set 137013701370. , alias York, Henry Horn < no role > , Alexander Kennedy < no role > , John Codd < no role > , John Jones < no role > , Joseph Hall, Benjamin Roberts < no role > , Patrick Bowman < no role > , Robert Cross < no role > , Rebecca Bidwell < no role > , William Maynard < no role > , William Richardson < no role > , Mary Humphries < no role > , George West < no role > , William Crouch < no role > , William Homes < no role > , John Harvey < no role > , alias Seagrove, Mary Moody < no role > , Margaret Moreing < no role > , Eleanor Mc. Cabe, Ann Sherlock < no role > , John Rich < no role > .

Transported for fourteen years. 2.

William Jones, Michael Dryant < no role > .

Transported for seven years 29.

Robert Phillips < no role > , John Hudson < no role > , Charlotte Ware < no role > , John Fendlow < no role > John Spence, alias Pearce, John Robert Thomas Martin < no role > , John Anderson < no role > , James Cherwick < no role > , James Johnson < no role > , David Birmingham < no role > , Joseph Bishop < no role > , Charles Biggs < no role > , William Crosby < no role > , James Mc. Cawley, Oten Batley, Thomas Pritchard < no role > , James Bowen < no role > , Ann Lawler < no role > , Mary Potten < no role > , Elizabeth Cunningham < no role > , Alexander Duff < no role > , Samuel Harrison < no role > , John Carty < no role > , Bridget Smith < no role > , John Murphy < no role > This name instance is in set 1358. This set is in the group(s): GarrowsClients . , Joseph Davy < no role > , and Joseph Phipps < no role > .

Confined to hard labour two years in the House of Correction, 1.

Sarah Thurbin < no role > .

Confined to hard labour twelve months in the House of Correction, 4.

Elizabeth Fagan < no role > , Ann Parker < no role > , Elizabeth Parker < no role > , Hester German < no role > .

Confined to hard labour six months in the House of Correction, 22.

John Taylor < no role > , James Godfrey < no role > , Samuel Baker < no role > , Thomas Weston < no role > , Henry Solomons < no role > , George Holliday < no role > , Elizabeth Cumberbridge < no role > Norris, Elizabeth Harrison < no role > , Hannah Carter < no role > , William Woolford < no role > , John King < no role > , Samuel Richards < no role > , William Hill, Ann Cooling < no role > , John Conway < no role > , Henry Morgan < no role > This name instance is in set 1538. This set is in the group(s): GarrowsClients . , George Fergusson < no role > , Susannah Dawson < no role > , Jennet Mitchel, Thomas Wells < no role > , Margaret Walter < no role > , Mary Pewterfoot < no role > .

To be Imprisoned three months in Newgate, 3.

Joseph Bowlus, Joseph Barret, Peter Woodcock < no role > .

To be Imprisoned one month in Newgate, 8.

Margaret Duvall < no role > , alias Henshaw, Elizabeth Knight < no role > , Daniel Clayfrom, Michael Young, Peter Malone < no role > , William Dillon < no role > , Simon Solomon < no role > , John Roberts < no role > .

To be publicly Whipped, 20.

Richard Claridge < no role > , Daniel Clayfrom < no role > , (twice) Michael Young < no role > (twice), Simon Price < no role > , William Woolford < no role > , John King < no role > , Samuel Richards < no role > , William Walker < no role > , Thomas Knight < no role > , Mary Moon < no role > , Simon Solomon < no role > (twice), William Cockbull < no role > , Mitchael Fitzpatrick, Joseph Tapp < no role > , John Petitt < no role > , Authony Letoot, Samuel Stewart < no role > , John Williams < no role > , Peter Bailey < no role > (twice), Henry Morgan < no role > .

The following prisoners having been capitally convicted at former Sessionses, received his Majesty's pardon on the following conditions. viz.

To be Transported to America for life. 1.

Thomas Limpus proceedingsdefend This name instance is in set 26362636. .

To be Transported for seven years, 9.

William Blunt proceedingsdefend , John Bennyman proceedingsdefend , Joseph Abrahams proceedingsdefend , William M'Namara proceedingsdefend , Morgan Williams proceedingsdefend , Andrew Rowland proceedingsdefend , John Barker proceedingsdefend , William Glanville proceedingsdefend , Peter Williams proceedingsdefend .

Confined to hard labour on the River Thames for three years, 8.

John Wright proceedingsdefend , John Fuller proceedingsdefend , Robert Stewart proceedingsdefend , Thomas Sutton proceedingsdefend , Dennis Shahan proceedingsdefend , Richard Sharpling proceedingsdefend , Charles Stokes proceedingsdefend , Thomas Wilson, alias Henry Hart proceedingsdefend .

be fined 6 d. and Imprisoned in the House of Correction for one year, 3.

Margaret Ann Smith, alias Gibbs proceedingsdefend , Thomas Tanner proceedingsdefend .

Fined 1 s. and Imprisoned in the House of Correction for six months, 2.

Ann Farmer proceedingsdefend , and Elizabeth Jones proceedingsdefend .

To be kept to hard labour on the River Thames for the term of two years, 3.

George Shipley proceedingsdefend , William Templer proceedingsdefend , Robert Bampton proceedingsdefend .

To be kept to hard labour on the River Thames for one year, 1.

Michael Hasterly proceedingsdefend .

To serve as a soldier in the East Indies for life, 3.

John Sharman proceedingsdefend .

Pardoned, 2.

Enock Shortridge proceedingsdefend , John Taylor proceedingsdefend .

John Ash < no role > , for forgery, and Captain Kennith Mackenzie < no role > for murder, Joseph Dunnage, and Joseph Harrison < no role > remain to next sessions.

Jacob Levy Woolfe proceedingsdefend convicted of felony last sessions, on giving security transport himself beyond sea, and not to return for three years, fined one shilling, and discharged .

Sentence on John Hunt proceedingsdefend , John Bennet, was respited till next sessions .

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