Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

3rd June 1778

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: s17780603-1

The TRIALS being ended, the Court proceeded to give judgement, as follows:

Received Sentence of Death, 4.

James Mills < no role > , Joseph Dracott < no role > , Robert Harrold < no role > , alias - Hutton, alias- Sutton, alias Jackson, and Thomas Henson < no role > .

Navigation for 3 Years, 9.

Burton Wood < no role > , William Blake < no role > , James Yorke < no role > , Robert Sidaway < no role > This name instance is in set 2658. , Richard Stevenson < no role > , Richard Sharplin < no role > , Thomas Rice < no role > , George Rooke < no role > , and Edward Price < no role > .

Branded and imprisoned I year, 6.

Lucy Wright < no role > , Thomas Dennis < no role > , Samuel Clark < no role > , Sarah Hayward < no role > , Anne Mitchel < no role > , and Carolina Maria Queenland < no role > .

Branded and imprisoned 6 months, 5.

Daniel Baker < no role > , Mary Hughes < no role > , Sarah Edgars < no role > , John Rogers < no role > , and John Neal < no role > .

Branded and imprisoned 3 months, I.

John Brand < no role > .

Branded and imprisoned 2 months, I.

John Elwee < no role > .

Branded and imprisoned I month, 4.

Mary Hughes < no role > , Sarah Strickland < no role > , Mary Allen < no role > , and Anne Day < no role > .

Branded, 2.

John Carlisle < no role > , and John Hammond < no role > .

Whipped, 6.

Peter Woodcock < no role > , William Glass < no role > , Emanuel Moses < no role > , Elizabeth Swan < no role > , William Akerman < no role > , and John Chamberlain < no role > .

Navigation for 14 years, 1.

William Cashmin < no role > .

*** William Tyler proceedingsdefend 's judgement was respited till next sessions .

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