<div1 type="trialAccount" id="t17300116-13"> <interp inst="t17300116-13" type="collection" value="BAILEY"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13" type="uri" value="sessionsPapers/17300116"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13" type="after" value="17300116"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13" type="before" value="17300116"></interp>
<join result="criminalCharge" id="t17300116-13-off68-c90" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-defend116 t17300116-13-off68 t17300116-13-verdict72"></join>
<p> <rs type="persName" id="t17300116-13-defend116"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-defend116" type="role" value="proceedingsdefend"></interp>
James Dalton <interp inst="t17300116-13-defend116" type="surname" value="Dalton"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-defend116" type="given" value="James"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-defend116" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, of <rs type="placeName" id="t17300116-13-defloc67">St. Andrews Holbourn</rs>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-defloc67" type="placeName" value="St. Andrews Holbourn"></interp>
<join result="persNamePlace" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-defend116 t17300116-13-defloc67"></join>
, was indicted for a Misdemeanour in <rs id="t17300116-13-off68" type="offenceDescription"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-off68" type="offenceCategory" value="violentTheft"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-off68" type="offenceSubcategory" value="highwayRobbery"></interp>
assaulting <rs type="persName" id="t17300116-13-victim117"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-victim117" type="role" value="proceedingsvictim"></interp>
<rs id="t17300116-13-viclabel69" type="occupation">Dr</rs>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-viclabel69" type="occupation" value="Dr"></interp>
<join result="persNameOccupation" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-victim117 t17300116-13-viclabel69"></join>
. Mead<interp inst="t17300116-13-victim117" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<join result="offenceVictim" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-off68 t17300116-13-victim117"></join>
on the High-way, with an Intent to rob him of his Money and Goods </rs>
, <rs id="t17300116-13-cd70" type="crimeDate">December 1</rs>
<join result="offenceCrimeDate" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-off68 t17300116-13-cd70"></join>
<p>Dr. Mead depos'd, That driving through Holbourn on Monday in the Evening between 9 and 10 o'Clock, near <rs type="placeName" id="t17300116-13-crimeloc71">Leather-Lane</rs>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-crimeloc71" type="placeName" value="Leather-Lane"></interp>
<join result="offencePlace" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-off68 t17300116-13-crimeloc71"></join>
, a Person much like the Prisoner came up to his Chariot side, in great haste, and demanded his Watch and Money, that his Footman jumpt down from behind, and the Person run away, my Footman run after him, and took him .</p>
<p> <rs type="persName" id="t17300116-13-person118"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-person118" type="role" value=""></interp>
Edmund Howard <interp inst="t17300116-13-person118" type="surname" value="Howard"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person118" type="given" value="Edmund"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person118" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
thus depos'd, The Prisoner came to the Coachman, bid him stop, or he would shoot him; then comes to the Chariot side, presented a Pistol to me, and said, if I stir'd, I was a dead Man , demanded my Watch and Money; I jumpt down, and called stop Thief, a Shopkeeper run after him, and he flash'd a Pistol at him, which grazed on his Face; the Prisoner was never out of my sight, while taken; the Pistol he dropt in the Street, when pursued , and was making towards Leather-Lane when taken, we carried him to the Black Bull-Inn , and found shot and powder upon him .</p>
<p> <rs type="persName" id="t17300116-13-person119"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-person119" type="role" value=""></interp>
Joseph Watkins <interp inst="t17300116-13-person119" type="surname" value="Watkins"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person119" type="given" value="Joseph"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person119" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
thus depos'd, The Dr. sent for me, and gave me Charge of the Prisoner; when I came to him, I searched him, and found a Penknife, and some large shot upon him; the Prisoner said, the Court could not hang him for this, but he wished he had done Murther, for he had rather be hanged .</p>
<p> <rs type="persName" id="t17300116-13-person120"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-person120" type="role" value=""></interp>
John Brearcliff <interp inst="t17300116-13-person120" type="surname" value="Brearcliff"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person120" type="given" value="John"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person120" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
thus depos'd, I was shutting up my Master's Shop, and heard them cry, stop Thief, I stopt the Prisoner, and he said he would shoot me, flashed his Pistol in the Pan, which grazed on my Face .</p>
<p> <rs type="persName" id="t17300116-13-person121"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-person121" type="role" value=""></interp>
John Stevens <interp inst="t17300116-13-person121" type="surname" value="Stevens"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person121" type="given" value="John"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-person121" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
depos'd, That going up Holbourn, near Leather-Lane, he heard a Person call, Hold - Coachman, stop a little, thought some Body had wanted his Master; and he stopt, then a little Man, much like the Prisoner, came up, and presented a Pistol, and swore, if he did not stop, he would shoot him through the Body .</p>
<p>The Fact appearing plain, the Jury found him <rs id="t17300116-13-verdict72" type="verdictDescription"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-verdict72" type="verdictCategory" value="guilty"></interp>
Guilty </rs>
of the Indictment .</p>
<p> <rs id="t17300116-13-punish73" type="punishmentDescription"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-punish73" type="punishmentCategory" value="miscPunish"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-punish73" type="punishmentSubcategory" value="fine"></interp>
<join result="defendantPunishment" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-defend116 t17300116-13-punish73"></join>
<note>[Fine. See summary.]</note>
<p> <rs id="t17300116-13-punish74" type="punishmentDescription"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-punish74" type="punishmentCategory" value="imprison"></interp>
<join result="defendantPunishment" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-defend116 t17300116-13-punish74"></join>
<note>[Imprisonment. See summary.]</note>
<p> <rs id="t17300116-13-punish75" type="punishmentDescription"> <interp inst="t17300116-13-punish75" type="punishmentCategory" value="miscPunish"></interp>
<interp inst="t17300116-13-punish75" type="punishmentSubcategory" value="sureties"></interp>
<join result="defendantPunishment" targOrder="Y" targets="t17300116-13-defend116 t17300116-13-punish75"></join>
<note>[Provide sureties for good behaviour. See summary.]</note>

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