<div1 type="WJ_PSpage" id="LMWJPS65392PS653920034"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMWJPS653920034"></xptr>
<p n="170">That they have bound ever to the Sessions 48 persons<lb></lb>
for Keeping & maintaining Disorderly Houses as appears by a List<lb></lb>
here unto Annexed marked (A) and frequently the Neighbours<lb></lb>
Complaining Agst. Such Psons have been bound in Recognizances to<lb></lb>
prosecute Many of whome have Entred into an Agreemt. to Defray the<lb></lb>
Charges of such prosecutions.</p>
<p n="171">That the have likewise committed to Prison 16 severall<lb></lb>
Persons for keeping Disorderly and Ill Governed houses as appear's by<lb></lb>
a list also hereunto Annexed Marked (B)</p>
<p n="172">That there have been indicted at the Sessions for the City<lb></lb>
and Liberty 24 psons for Keeping Disorderly houses as appear's by<lb></lb>
a List hereunto Annex'd marked (C).</p>
<p n="173">That this Committee have also convicted 11 psons of<lb></lb>
Prosone Curteing and Swearing Etc as appears by the List here unto<lb></lb>
Annexed Marked (D)</p>
<p n="174">And for that the Constables and other peace Officers mett wth.<lb></lb>
much Opposition in Executing the Warrts. of this Committee Apt. Disorderly<lb></lb>
houses Especially at the first 14 persons have been Committed to<lb></lb>
prison or bound Over to the Sessions for Assaulting and Insulting<obscured></obscured>
Constables in the Execution of their Office as appears by a list<lb></lb>
hereunto Also Annex'd marked (E).</p>
<p n="175">That this Committee haveing at their Severall meetings<lb></lb>
granted 42 Search Warrts. for Apprehending Rogues Vagabounds Study<lb></lb>
Beggars Idle and Disorderly psons & that in all wee have Comitted<lb></lb>
to the house of Correction in Tothill Feilds 127 men and women<lb></lb>
who on Such Search Warrts. have been taken & apprehended either in<lb></lb>
Disorderly Houses or Such who infest the Streets in the Night time Some<lb></lb>
of wch. have been Committed till Discharged by Due Course of Law and<lb></lb>
others for times Certain wch. last method of Committmt. Wee find by<lb></lb>
Experience to be the most Effectuall Way for the Deserring of Offenders<lb></lb>
And that tho: the Legality of it has been Doubled by Some Yet by the<lb></lb>
Resolucon of the Judges of the Court of Kings bench the same has been<lb></lb>
Confirmed and approved Pticularly in Miches Terme last in the Case<lb></lb>
of one <rs type="persName" id="LMWJPS65392_n175-1">Mary Freeman</rs>
<interp inst="LMWJPS65392_n175-1" type="given" value="Mary"></interp>
<interp inst="LMWJPS65392_n175-1" type="surname" value="Freeman"></interp>
<interp inst="LMWJPS65392_n175-1" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
als Talbott Committed by this Comittee to hard<lb></lb>
Labour till the first Day of the their next Quarter Sessions who on<lb></lb>
her Habeus Corpus brought in the sd. Court of Kings Bench was by<lb></lb>
all the 4 Judges then psent remanded back to the house of Correction<lb></lb>
for the time mentioned in the Comittmt. and Such Comittmr. in all<lb></lb>
Parts of it Adjudged Legall.</p>

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