<div1 type="TH_MCpage" id="LMTHMC55202MC552020154"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMC552020154"></xptr>
<p n="872">and all other Stone worke on the Outside of the Old<lb></lb>
Building and the pictures Sheilds Armes Cawed Figures<lb></lb>
& others Ornaments about the <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo205">Old Hall</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo205" type="placeName" value="Old Hall"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo205" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
, and the Chimney<lb></lb>
Backs presses & other such like Things, Which are to<lb></lb>
be all Reserved for the Use of the Hospll:and also Excepting<lb></lb>
the Tyles & Bricks which are intended to be sold to<lb></lb>
Mr. Johns.</p>
<p n="873"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Not to use any<lb></lb>
Old Materialls}</note>
That the sd Mr. Calcutt in the sd New Building<lb></lb>
shall Observe the sean things be him delivered in to<lb></lb>
& approved of by the sd Comittee, being as followeth vizt</p>
<p n="874">Girders of the Floores lyeing through <lb></lb>
the Building without Bearings to be}<obscured></obscured>
<p n="875">Do:with Bearings12:by:10:<lb></lb>
Quartering0:by:3. <lb></lb>
Sash Frames wth:Oaken City06:by:5. <lb></lb>
Sash Squares the same thicknesse wth:<lb></lb>
those in the Taking in Roome}</p>
<p n="876">Doore Posts Pylaster & Scrowes07:by:6.<lb></lb>
Brest Summers13:by:12<lb></lb>
Principall Rafters at the Foot10:by:8<lb></lb>
At the Topp08:by:6<lb></lb>
Knee Plates08:by:6.<lb></lb>
Principall Collar Beames08:by:6.<lb></lb>
Single Rafters04½:by:3</p>
<p n="877">Mundillians Cornish Gutters & all<lb></lb>
other Things to be done wall & in Worke<lb></lb>
man like manner & in proporcon to<lb></lb>
these Scanthings.</p>
<p n="878">That the sd. Mr. Calcutt shall be Allowed for this New<lb></lb>
Building performing the same Substantially & in Workman<lb></lb>
like manner recording to these Scanthings, after the Rates<lb></lb>
of Eighteen pounds P Square which, he consented &<lb></lb>

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