<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55603GO556030196"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556030196"></xptr>
<p n="697">Incorrigible Rogues of no force, for it seems doubtfull how incorrigible<lb></lb>
Rogues can be convicted without such Records</p>
<p n="698"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">4th.</note>
The too liberal Distribution of the ten Shillings with which the Magistrates<lb></lb>
are impowered to reward Persons apprehending Vagrants and the Arts made use<lb></lb>
of by Officers in the conveying of Vagrants by obtaining Passage for them at one<lb></lb>
third of the Expence allowed by Sessions by means of Carriers and other easy Methods<lb></lb>
have proved so lucrative that a king of Trade has been made of it at the Expence<lb></lb>
of the County, Your Committee by inspecting the Orders for paying the Reward of<lb></lb>
Ten Shillings find upwards of Fifty pounds directed to be paid in the Compass<lb></lb>
of about a Year by one Magistrate a Sum We believe greater than directed<lb></lb>
in the like Cases by all the rest of the Magistrates of the County in the same<lb></lb>
time and when the Sums paid for passing the Vagrants are added to the said<lb></lb>
Fifty pounds it amounts to near a Twelfth part of the whole County Rate and near<lb></lb>
a fourth of the whole Expence charged upon the County upon this Account And<lb></lb>
your Committee think that no Magistrates Clerk ought to make any Deduction<lb></lb>
upon pretence of having made out the Pass and Order out of the Ten Shillings<lb></lb>
which is the Reward given by the Law to the Apprehender, but your Committee<lb></lb>
find the Committee contrary has been done and that four Shillings has been<lb></lb>
deducted by the Clerk of that Magistrate out of such Reward, which induces<lb></lb>
your Committee to be of Opinion that this extraordinary Method of sharing<lb></lb>
the Reward between the Constable and the Justices Clerk may have produced an<lb></lb>
Imposition upon the Justice and been the Cause of this extraordinary Charge<lb></lb>
upon the County. Nor can your Committee help observing that many of the Orders<lb></lb>
for the paying the above Fifty pounds are made out in large Sums in one Order<lb></lb>
and couched in Terms not expression of the Cause for which they were made<lb></lb>
or given under Hand and Seat, nor does it appear that such Vagrants were<lb></lb>
either whipped or committed to <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55603_geo1130">Bridewell</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55603_geo1130" type="placeName" value="Bridewell"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55603_geo1130" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
or that any Duplicates of the Passes<lb></lb>
or Examinations were returned to the Sessions as the Law directs.</p>
<p n="699"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">5th.</note>
Another Cause of this great Expence has arisen from a wrong Use made of<lb></lb>
Vagrant Passes by the Officers in same Parishes who to save the Great Expence<lb></lb>
of Settlement Passes or the Maintenance of casual Poor not belonging to them<lb></lb>
and whose Settlements were at a great Distance have passed such Poor as Rogues<lb></lb>
and Vagabonds although no Act of Vagrancy had been committed and more<lb></lb>
especially the scotch and Irish Vagabonds</p>
<p n="700"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">6th.</note>
Your Committee are also of Opinion that the putting the Vagrant Act into<lb></lb>
Execution in particular Parishes and Places (howsoever laudable the<lb></lb>
Intention of the Magistrates may be) brings a large Expence upon the<lb></lb>
County without producing the designed Effect to the publick for as the design<lb></lb>
of putting the said Act in this manner into Execution relates only to one Species<lb></lb>
of Vagabonds, namely Beggars, those of them who are more the objects of<lb></lb>
Compassion than punishment feel the Lash of the Law, while the artificial<lb></lb>
Objects of Distress, who have reduced Begging into a Trade, well know how</p>

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