<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15075PS150750042"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150750042"></xptr>
<p n="189">To the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor and the Rest of the<lb></lb>
Justices for the City of London</p>
<p n="190">The Humble Petition of the several <rs type="occupation" id="LMSLPS15075_occ97">Journeymen Taylors</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15075_occ97" type="occupation" value="Journeymen Taylors"></interp>
whose names are hereunto Subscribed on behalf of themselves and the rest<lb></lb>
of the Journeymen Taylors within the said City and the Liberties thereof.</p>
<p n="191"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Sheweth</note>
That by an Order made at the General Quarter Session of the Peace held at the Guildhall within the said<lb></lb>
City on Wednesday the Eighteenth day of January last past this Honourable Court in pursuance of the power<lb></lb>
Vested in them by the Statute in that behalf made and Provided Did (amongst other things) order and appoint<lb></lb>
that from that time the Hours of Work for all Journeymen Taylors Servants and Apprentices to Taylors and<lb></lb>
other Persons employed or to be employed or retained as Taylors in the making up Mens or Womens Work<lb></lb>
within this City and the<del>Liberties</del>
thereof shou'd be from Six of the Clock in the Morning until Eight of the Clock<lb></lb>
at night Excepting only that there should be allowed by the Master One hour for Dinner in the time<lb></lb>
aforesaid and that for the time or Hours of Work aforesaid there shou'd be paid unto every Journeyman<lb></lb>
Taylor (Over and besides One penny half penny for Breakfast as allowed by the said Act) any Sum not<lb></lb>
Exceeding Two Shillings and Six Pence by the Day and strict conformity and Obedience to that<lb></lb>
Order was required from all Parties.</p>
<p n="192">That in Obedience to the said Order Your Petitioners have duly Conformed themselves to the Terms<lb></lb>
thereby Stipulated and are content with the Wages thereby Settled, and do with all Thankfullness<lb></lb>
Acknowledge the many favours they have received from this Honourable Court But most Humbly<lb></lb>
beg leave to Represent to Your Lordship and the rest of The Justices that their Sedentary Course of<lb></lb>
Life and Constant Attention to their Business for such a length of time as from Six o'Clock in the<lb></lb>
Morning till Eight o'Clock at night greatly Impairs their Health and Constitution, prejudices their<lb></lb>
Sight and faculties and unavoidably Causes a neglect of their domestic Concerns to the great hurt of<lb></lb>
their Family's.</p>
<p n="193">That the Master Taylors having Considered the Complaints made by Your Petitioners and being<lb></lb>
Convinced of the Truth thereby are willing and desireous if it shall appear Meet to this Honourable<lb></lb>
Court that the Hours of Work for your Petitioners and the other Journeymen Servants and Apprentice<lb></lb>
in the same Business may be Limitted for the future from Six o'Clock in the Morning till Seven<lb></lb>
o'Clock at night (allowing the Dinner Hour).</p>
<p n="194">That in regard Your Petitioners are Content with the Wages now Settled and are most Earnestly<lb></lb>
desireous and do hereby determine and engage to conform themselves to all such Regulations as shall<lb></lb>
be made by this Honourable Court and in regard of the great Hardships they Sustain by working till<lb></lb>
Eight o'Clock in the Evening.</p>
<p n="195">Your Petitioners therefore most Humbly Pray Your Lordships</p>

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