<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15026PS150260025"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150260025"></xptr>
<p n="106">have his money in May or June he stell<lb></lb>
presd me & desir'd I would come up to his<lb></lb>
house at 3 a Clock at wch. time he would<lb></lb>
get me to goe to the Bane & receives<lb></lb>
money of a Note & said he would demonstrate<lb></lb>
to me<del>how That he could</del>
house asi<obscured></obscured>
<rs type="occupation" id="LMSLPS15026_occ35">t peas</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15026_occ35" type="occupation" value="t peas"></interp>
to got<obscured></obscured>
money by takeing the Indorsemt<lb></lb>
<del>& howeas</del>
on his imperturity I told him of<lb></lb>
would come up meaning only thereby to get sd<lb></lb>
of his company) wch by that means I did &<lb></lb>
a Porter yt <rs type="occupation" id="LMSLPS15026_occ36">breifness had hapte'd</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15026_occ36" type="occupation" value="breifness had hapte'd"></interp>
& I couldnt<lb></lb>
possibly come up</p>
<p n="107">Seeing him about 9 days after he askd<lb></lb>
me why I would not come I told him<lb></lb>
I had taller consider'd of ye matter & was resolvd<lb></lb>
never to be concern'd & advis'd him to<lb></lb>
Desist from such can under taking wth broke<lb></lb>
of all Talk of ye matter at ye time after<lb></lb>
this & before ye 2d of Aprill he moke<lb></lb>
again to me of it & had ye same Answer<lb></lb>
Coming to his house on satterday ye 2d of Aprill<lb></lb>
<del>I ask at<obscured></obscured>
after being wth him some<lb></lb>
to ask him to sap wth me at<lb></lb>
Freinds house on a Hare Reg consented<lb></lb>
to it & going along wth<obscured></obscured>
re<del>in Paul</del>
mentiond the affair again in So Pauls<lb></lb>
Church Yard & Shew'd me a Note wch. I<lb></lb>
took to be a bank Note but afterwoods<lb></lb>
found it a swrod blade Companys Note<lb></lb>
<del>wch he had</del>
out of wth. he said & Shewd me<lb></lb>
that he had taken a letters of red Ink</p>
<p n="108">from of black letters & coulo take out the<lb></lb>
whole Indorsemt. I bid him speak no further<lb></lb>
of it<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
ther for on Tuesday I would come<lb></lb>
to him by wch. time I would fully determine<lb></lb>
what to doe in ye affair & this I did<lb></lb>
intentionally to take advice whether I<lb></lb>
should discover him or no</p>
<p n="109">On Sunday<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
in ye Evening going to a<lb></lb>
Freind in whom I had a confidence I<lb></lb>
discover'd to him how I had been attempted to be<lb></lb>
cormpted & desir'd his advice in the affair<lb></lb>
particularly upon the a difficulty I was under<lb></lb>
of being an Informet agst. a person I had<lb></lb>
some Intimacy wth<del>my Trei</del>
upon the whole<lb></lb>
my Heinds advice was that I should<lb></lb>
nert aske in ye Guilt It I did not discover<lb></lb>
wch consenting to my Freind said he would<lb></lb>
mention it the next morning to Mr Deston<lb></lb>
wth whom he was accquainted & did accordingly.<lb></lb>
doe to<del>as he<obscured></obscured>
& return'd telling<lb></lb>
me yt Mr. Diston & he thought that it<lb></lb>
was necessary for ye better discovery of the<lb></lb>
matter to goe to him on Tuesday & feign<lb></lb>
to come into it; in order to be witness of<lb></lb>
an expenmt.</p>
<p n="110">On Tuesday<del>going to</del>
I went to<lb></lb>
his house & on his mentioning it, to me<lb></lb>
again I desirt to see how he did it when<lb></lb>
he took me up in his closet & shew'o<lb></lb>
one of wch<del>he told he had cat</del>
was fair<lb></lb>
to the sight yet he told me the he had taken</p>

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