<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15004PS150040081"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150040081"></xptr>
<p n="407">drink a glasse of Wine wth us, & this Informant<lb></lb>
answered, no he would not drink any, & said<lb></lb>
to him, he wonder'd to see him here on A Sunday<lb></lb>
morning, so this Informant ordered his Watchmen<lb></lb>
to take Mr. Cooke & the Harper, & carry them to the<lb></lb>
Compter wth. accordingly they did, so the Mr. of the<lb></lb>
house Mr. Shepheard called as he lay in his bedd<lb></lb>
for this Informant, & said to his drawer, what<lb></lb>
Constable is that, this Informant told him his<lb></lb>
name was wade, & that he lived in <rs type="placeName" id="LMSLPS15004_geo279">Newgate Street</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15004_geo279" type="placeName" value="Newgate Street"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15004_geo279" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
& that he was Constable & that it was his Watch night<lb></lb>
so this Informt. went down Staires & went to the<lb></lb>
Compter with Mr. Cooke & the Harper, & being informed<lb></lb>
by his Watchmen there were more Company in<lb></lb>
the house came back again to the said Taverne<lb></lb>
& knockt att the doore & desired to be lett in which<lb></lb>
they refuseing saying Mr. Shepheard had the<lb></lb>
Key then he comanding them in the Kings name<lb></lb>
to open the doore, then they opened it & this Informt.<lb></lb>
went in and finding A Pson which<del>with</del>
this Informts.<lb></lb>
Watchmen told him he reflected upon the Lord<lb></lb>
Mayor, thereupon this Informant ordered his<lb></lb>
Watchmen to carry that Pson to the Compter<lb></lb>
& afterwards a drawer told this Informant A<lb></lb>
Lord would speake with him above staires, wch<lb></lb>
was the first time this Informant heard there<lb></lb>
was A Lord in the house, & this Informt. not<lb></lb>
thinking it safe did refuse to go up to His Lorp.<lb></lb>
Whereupon the Lord came down & said are<lb></lb>
you the Constable, I understand you have<lb></lb>
comted A Servt. of nine & going to comitt another<lb></lb>
this Informt. told his Lorp he begged his pardon<lb></lb>
for that he had comted them both, his Lorp<lb></lb>
made Answere, be it to yor Pill, I will lay you<lb></lb>
by the on Monday morning heeles but this Informant saith when he<lb></lb>
comted. them he did not know they were his Lorp.<lb></lb>
Servts, His Lorp answered I am A Poor of the<lb></lb>
Realm & I comand you in the Kings name to go<lb></lb>
back to the Compter, & fetch them back again This<lb></lb>
Informt. made answere wll. submission to his Lorp<lb></lb>
this Informts. Power did extend only to comitt, but not<lb></lb>
<del>discharged, & <obscured></obscured>
Informt of ye<obscured></obscured>

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