<div1 type="CD_APpage" id="WCCDAP35402AP354020044"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDAP354020044"></xptr>
<p n="278"> <del>Sarah</del>
<rs type="persName" id="WCCDAP35402_n278-1">Morgan Sarah</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n278-1" type="given" value="Sarah"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n278-1" type="surname" value="Morgan"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n278-1" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
a Mor.<lb></lb>
Next door to the <rs type="placeName" id="WCCDAP35402_geo33">Yorkshire</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo33" type="placeName" value="Yorkshire"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo33" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Gray Mile End<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="WCCDAP35402_geo34">White Chappel</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo34" type="placeName" value="White Chappel"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo34" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
<p n="279"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
For her Own 2 Children Mary 6 yres<lb></lb>
& Charles 4 yres at P Mo<hi rend="braceResult"> 12s -</hi>
<p n="280">Payd. May. 3d12s 0d<lb></lb>
Payd May 3112s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid June 28th12s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid July 26th12s -<lb></lb>
Paid Augt 3012s -<lb></lb>
Paid Sept 2712s -<lb></lb>
Paid Octor2512s -<lb></lb>
Paid Novemr. the29th12s -<lb></lb>
Paid Demr 2412s<lb></lb>
Paid January the 2412s-<del>0</del>
Paid February the 2212s -<lb></lb>
Paid March the 2012s -<lb></lb>
Paid April the 1012s -<lb></lb>
£07..16s -</p>
<p n="281">In London house Yard near <rs type="placeName" id="WCCDAP35402_geo35">St Pauls</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo35" type="placeName" value="St Pauls"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo35" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
at Mr Holloways</p>
<p n="282"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
<rs type="persName" id="WCCDAP35402_n282-1">Money Mary</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n282-1" type="given" value="Mary"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n282-1" type="surname" value="Money"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n282-1" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
a Mor.<lb></lb>
For <rs type="persName" id="WCCDAP35402_n282-2">Anne Money</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n282-2" type="given" value="Anne"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n282-2" type="surname" value="Money"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n282-2" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
her own Child<hi rend="braceResult"> 6s -</hi>
<p n="283">Payd May 3d6s 0d<lb></lb>
Payd May 316s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid June 28th6s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid July ye 26th6s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid Augt 306s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid Sept276s 0d<lb></lb>
Paid Octor256s -<lb></lb>
Paid Novemr 29th6s<lb></lb>
Paid Decmr 246s<lb></lb>
Payd Janr 246s<lb></lb>
Paid Febry216s -<lb></lb>
Paid March206s -<lb></lb>
Paid April106s -<lb></lb>
<p n="284">No.21£01..06s -<lb></lb>
<p n="285">Ogleby Nurse hath Etc</p>
<p n="286"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
<rs type="persName" id="WCCDAP35402_n286-1">Jno. Haynes</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n286-1" type="given" value="Jno"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n286-1" type="surname" value="Haynes"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_n286-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
aged a year<lb></lb>
at P and 10s Clo & at P Mo.<hi rend="braceResult"> 8s -</hi>
<p n="287">Payd May 3d8s 0d<lb></lb>
Payd May 318s -<lb></lb>
Paid June 28th8s -<lb></lb>
Clothes2s 6d<lb></lb>
Paid July 268s -<lb></lb>
Paid August 30th8s -<lb></lb>
Paid Septemr. 278s -<lb></lb>
<p n="288">Gone into <rs type="placeName" id="WCCDAP35402_geo36">Yorkshire</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo36" type="placeName" value="Yorkshire"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDAP35402_geo36" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
my wife Paid for Octor. 25th8s -</p>
<p n="289">Paid Novemr. the 298s -<lb></lb>
Paid Decmr the 248s -<lb></lb>
Paid January the 248s -<lb></lb>
Paid February8s -<lb></lb>
Paid March8s -<lb></lb>
Paid April 108s -<lb></lb>
£05..14s -</p>
<p n="290">No.. 21£17..08s -</p>

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