Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

1st April 1818

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18180401-70

600. REBECCA REEVES proceedingsdefend , MARGARET ROWLEY proceedingsdefend , and MARGARET SAUNDERS proceedingsdefend were indicted for stealing, on the 24th of March , one scarf, value 4s. 6d. , the goods of William Parnell Tyars proceedingsvictim .

WILLIAM PARNELL TYARS < no role > . I am a linen-draper , and live in the Minories . On the 24th of March, about one o'clock, the prisoners, Rowley and Saunders, came into the shop, and bought a small quantity of muslin; about an hour after, Forrester brought the scarf, which had been in the shop when they came there.

JOHN FORRESTER < no role > . I am an officer. On the 24th of March, I saw the prisoners and another woman together - I watched them down the Minories. Saunders and Rowley went into several shops; they went into the prosecutor's-Reeves walked on before, and went and sat on the step of a door in Hamman-street. Rowley and Saunders came out, and went up to her - They all turned the corner, and came into the Minories again. I went up to Reeves, and asked her what she had in her apron, under her shawl? she said they were her own, and that a man gave them to her. I put her into Mr. Haywood's shop, ran round, and met the other two. I found the scarf in Reeves's apron.

(Property produced and sworn to.)

REEVES'S Defence. A woman gave it to me.


London Jury, before Mr. Recorder.

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