Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

18th September 1805

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18050918-84

605. THOMAS CAMP proceedingsdefend This name instance is in a workspace. was indicted for that he, being servant to Philip Eldridge proceedingsvictim and Co. did receive and take into his possession the sum of 4 s. 9 d. for and on account of his said masters, and feloniously did secrete, embezzle, and steal the same .

Second Count. For like offence, only varying the manner of charging it.

(The case was stated by Mr. Knapp.)

THOMAS PEARSON < no role > sworn. - Examined by Mr. Knapp. Q. You are clerk to Messrs. Eldridge and Co. - what are their names? - A. Philip Eldridge, John Swam proceedingsvictim , and John Fell proceedingsvictim , brewers , living in Holborn.

Q. Was Mr. Paas a customer of your's? - A. He has been a customer of ours for these five or six months, he lives at the end of Surry-square, Walworth.

Q. In consequence of any suspicion that fell upon the prisoner, did you make any application to Mr. Paas? - A. I did.

Q. In consequence of having made application to Mr. Paas, do you remember the prisoner at the bar coming home on the 27th of August? - A. Perfectly well; when he came home I booked his load with the name of the customers whom he had served in the course of the day.

Q. Did it appear that Mr. Paas was one of the customers on that day? - A. No, it was not among them.

Q. Had you delivered any beer to him to deliver to Mr. Paas on that day? - A. We do not deliver them beer for particular customers without there isa specific order brought home; they call upon their customers when they go by to see who wants.

Q. When he came at night, what did you say to him? - A. I merely took his account, I have the book here; he gave me no account of any beer delivered to Mr. Paas, there is no entry by me on that day; we did not charge him with it at that time; on the following day, or the day after, we consulted with the partners, and he was taken up.

Q. Did you hear him say any thing before the Magistrate? - A. He said he had booked the load right.

Q. Did you afterwards go to Mr. Paas for the purpose of making enquiry whether he had delivered any beer? - A. Yes.

Cross-examined by Mr. Gurney. Q. When the prisoner came home to you at night, he gave you the account, and you booked it - how many barrels were booked on that day? - A. Twenty-two of beer and two of ale.

Q. He reported all these names from memory? - A. From his own book, he carries a memorandum-book with him.

Q. You asked him whether he had delivered any beer to Mr. Paas on that day? - A. I did not.

Q. You were afraid to remind him, perhaps - did you or did you not abstain from asking him about Mr. Paas for the present? - A. I did abstain, we were satisfied.

Q. Did not you purposely omit to remind him? - A I cannot tell exactly.

Court. Q. You said you refrained? - A. It was not usual to ask them.

Mr. Gurney. Q. I take it for granted that you take an account, when the dray goes out, of what quantity of beer it carries - did you compare that quantity that went out with the account he gave you at night - was there any deficiency? - A. No deficiency whatever in the load; we found out afterwards who he booked it to.

Court. Q. Was the prisoner intrusted to receive money? - A. Always.

Q. You did not ask him to be on his guard, to give a correct account, or whether he accounted for all the money he had received? - A. He did not account for any money whatever from any person; we took his receipts, every one back, as he went out with; he said nobody had paid him.

- PAAS sworn. - Examined by Mr. Knapp Q. You live at Walworth, and you bought beer of Messrs. Eldridge and Co.? - A. Yes, for five or six months I have.

Q. Did you purchase any beer of the prisoner on the 27th? - A. One small cask; I paid him 4 s. 9 d. for it on account of his master, thinking he paid it to him.

Q. Did you take any receipt of him for it? - A. I asked him before I had that cask if he had got a printed receipt; he said it was of no consequence' as I paid on delivery.

Q. Whether it was not his duty to give receipts for every sum of money he received, whether ready money customers or not? A. Always.

GUILTY , aged 26.

Transported for seven years .

Second Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Justice Heath.

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