Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

20th February 1793

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17930220-72

267. RALPH EDDLESTONE proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously making an assault, on the King's highway, on James Francis proceedingsvictim , on the 18th of January , putting him in fear and feloniously taking from his personand against his will, 1 s. and thirteen halfpence, the monies of the said James Francis < no role > .

JOHN COBHAM < no role > sworn.

I was the watchman; the prosecutor is not at home; I know the prosecutor called me to his assistance, I was there as soon as he called me, on the 19th of January, a little after eleven o'clock, I heard watch called at the Green Park Wall , I stepped to the Green Park Wall immediately; James Francis < no role > was laying down on the flags, and he had hold of Ralph Eddlestone < no role > , by the great coat tail, and James Francis < no role > charged me with Eddlestone, saying, he had knocked him down and robbed him; I did not see it myself, only I found Francis laying down, when I came to the wall, when I laid hold of him immediately, and springing my rattle, my partner, William James came to my assistance, and Dennis Manning < no role > came up afterwards, and desired us to secure his hands, that he might not get them to his pocket, then we took him to St. George's watch-house, where Dennis Manning < no role > searched him, and we found 2 s. 6 d. in silver, and 1 s. and 6 d. 1/2 in halfpence.

Q. Any fire arms? - No, I know nothing more about it.


Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Mr. COMMON SERJEANT.

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