Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

29th March 1792

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17920329-43

201. THOMAS JONES proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously assaulting Robert Smith proceedingsvictim , on the king's highway, on the 20th of March , and putting him in fear, and feloniously taking from his person and against his will, one cotton gown, value 20 s. and one linen shift, value 5 s. the goods of Elizabeth Charlotte Town proceedingsvictim .

A second count charging the gown to be the property of John Hanbury proceedingsvictim .

ROBERT SMITH < no role > sworn.

I am an errand-boy to Elizabeth Charlotte Town < no role > . On last Tuesday was a week I was robbed in Cheapside ; it was the 20th of March: I was going from Fenchurch-street to Portugal-street; I got behind a coach in Fenchurch-street and the prisoner got up behind in Lombard-street; we rode as far as the Post-office; the prisoner took my bundle from me almost opposite Milk-street, in Cheapside: he got down in Lombard-street: it was in brown-paper: when I was trying to get down, he said, I should not, and snatched the bundle out of my hand; he did not lay hold of me or strike me, he only snatched it away, and ran down Milk-street; I followed him all the way down; I never lost sight of him; he was taken with the bundle under his arm; he ran against a woman. Purchase, the constable, has the bundle.

Prisoner. Was there not two boys with you before I came up? - No.

JOHN PURCHASE < no role > sworn.

I was going towards Honey-lane-market, and I met the prisoner with the bundle under his left arm.

WILLIAM AISTROP < no role > This name instance is in set 2621. sworn.

I am constable of the ward.


This gown is not mine, it belongs to Mrs. Hanbury; the shift is my daughter's; that is the gown I delivered to the boy.


I was going up to Piccadilly to my brother's who is a captain of a revenue cutter; fearing I should be too late, I got up behind the coach where this boy was, and the coachman threw his whip over, and a boy threw some mud on the boy that was behind the coach with me; I got down in anger, and the bundle fell; I picked it up, and had not the bundle in my possession a minute and a half before I heard the cry of stop thief! the bundle was picked up by the constable under a woman's feet: I can bring gentlemen to my character: I am a native of the West Indies. I was tosticated in liquor.

GUILTY of stealing but not violently .

Transported for seven years .

Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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