Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th December 1789

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17891209-47

47. JOHN ROE proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 12th of November last, six pewter plates, value 2 s. 6 d. the property of Thomas Goodfellow proceedingsvictim .

THOMAS GOODFELLOW < no role > sworn.

I lost six pewter plates on the 11th of November, and found them on the 12th; I only swear to the property.

JOSEPH SHAW < no role > This name instance is in set 1409. This set is in the group(s): GarrowsClients . sworn.

I found these plates in a ditch at Edmonton; I brought them to Mr. Goodfellow's after I made a quiration.

WILLIAM JONES < no role > sworn.

I am the constable, I produce six pewter plates which were given me on Thursday the 12th of November; they seemed to be lately used; one had the marks of a red herring and some potatoes; the plates were found by Shaw; I went to him, he put the plates where he found them, and we watched in a field, about the length of the Court; about a quarter before six, a number of men came by from work, none of them stopped; about ten minutes after the prisoner came, went to the place and stooped down about two minutes; we took the prisoner and brought him to the place, then we could not find the plates; we got a candle and found them all covered with grass and removed; but he had not them in his possession to my knowledge; I asked him about them, he knew nothing of them, nor John, (a fellow workman) neither.

(The plates deposed to.)

Prosecutor. The prisoner had a red herring for supper the night before.


I am a stranger, I came up to harvest, and lodged at Mr. Goodfellow's; I went to work, and having a bad leg, I used to stop and wash it at the New River; I know nothing of the plates.


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron PERRYN.

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