Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

11th July 1787

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17870711-65

623. THOMAS MORRISON proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 8th of June , two pair of worsted stockings, value 2 s. the property of Jabez Lawson proceedingsvictim .

JABEZ LAWSON < no role > sworn.

I lost two pair of stockings on Friday the 8th of June; between five and six in the evening, the prisoner with another man and woman came into my shop; the other man wanted a jacket, he tried several on, but he refused to buy any being too long in the sleeve; and the moment they were gone I looked in the window, and missed two pair of stockings; they went all out together; I went out and took the prisoner, about one hundred yards from my shop; I found one pair of stockings in his left hand pocket, and Mr. Carpenter came by and took out the other pair; both the pairs were found on the prisoner; the others got off; he said nothing.

JOHN CARPENTER < no role > sworn.

I belong to the public office, Shadwell; I saw this gentleman have hold of a man; he said he had been robbed; I caught hold of the prisoner, and took these stockings out of his right-hand pocket.

(Deposed to.)


I went into the prosecutor's shop with another man and woman to buy a jacket, and as soon as I came down the steps, I found these two pair of stockings.

The prisoner called two witnesses, who gave him a good character.


Transported for seven years .

Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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