Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

13th December 1786

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17861213-28

29. THOMAS BROWN proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 21st day of November last, one ewe sheep, price 15 s. the property of George Bonstred proceedingsvictim .

GEORGE BONSTRED < no role > sworn.

I live at Hornsey; I keep sheep ; I lost one on the 21st of November: I missed it on the 22d; it was kept in Mr. Ludgate's fields at Newington-green ; I saw it there some time before, because we have them at grass; I only came to swear to my property.

WILLIAM POPE < no role > sworn.

I am one of the patrols; on the 21st of November, between six and seven, we met the prisoner and another man in company; the other man had a sack; he ran away; one said, they had greens in the sack, another said parsnips; they said, it was their own property; and the prisoner desired the other to throw it down; he did so and ran away; I felt a horn of a sheep; the sack was open, and I found it was a sheep; we kept the prisoner in custody; the sheep had been stuck, but it was warm. (The skin and horn produced.) We left the skin and sheep at one Mr. Wyatt's a butcher at Islington.

WILLIAM FRIEND < no role > sworn.

I have had the skin in my custody ever since; I received it from Mr. Wyatt.

Court. Is Wyatt here? - No.

Court. Gentlemen, you must acquit the prisoner.


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM.

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