Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

22nd February 1786

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17860222-83

272. ELIZABETH JONES proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 22d day of January last, a silver watch, value 50 s. a chain, value 2 s. a stone seal, value 6 d. and a brass key, value 1 d. the property of Richard Moore proceedingsvictim .

RICHARD MOORE < no role > sworn.

I am a cabinet-maker ; I was coming along Bishopsgate-street, on Sunday the 22d of January last, near the new road; she pretended to know me, and asked me to go home with her, she lived in Dunnage-alley ; she opened the door, and struck a light, and I gave her a shilling to lay down with her; she said I used to give her more.

How long did you stay? - Not five minutes; as soon as she laid down, and put the candle out, I heard a rumbling noise in the passage, upon which I got up immediately, and took my watch from off the head of the table bedstead.

What sort of watch was it? - A silver watch, a cornelian seal, and steel chain; she got off the bed, upon hearing the noise, and struck a light; she opened the door, and looked out, and fastened the door again; I then laid down again, not being contented; she begged earnestly, and intreated I would permit her to get up; upon which she opened a trap-door in the wainscot, where she threw the watch, and put my hat over my face, that I should not see what she was doing, after taking it from off the bed; well, says I, there goes the watch, and I kicked the door to, and said, I will take care of you; I sent for a constable, and I saw two or three friends.

EDWARD TRUSTY < no role > sworn.

I am one of the patrols, I had only charge of her, to take her to the Poultry Compter, the prosecutor gave charge of her, he said, she had stole his watch, and just by the side of the bed, there was a trap-door, and a square of glass, and to that there was a string, which went down and draws a door open, which gives a signal to the persons below to come to this trap door.


The prosecutor followed me home, and as soon as I opened the door, he rushed in upon me, and threw me on the bed, I told him I would not, he immediately got off the bed, and offered me a shilling and some halfpence, and I would not; he then took hold of my petticoat, and pulled me till he tore it off my sides.


To be privately whipped .

Tried by the London Jury before Mr. ROSE.

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