Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

19th October 1785

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17851019-46

955. WILLIAM WOODWARD proceedingsdefend and WILLIAM HARDING proceedingsdefend were indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 8th day of September last, one box, value 6 d. one silk gown, value 3 l. a printed cotton gown, value 20 s. a petticoat, value 20 s. a muslin apron, value 6 s. four handkerchiefs, value 15 s. one silk handkerchief, value 5 s. one guinea, value 1 l. 1 s. and one shilling, the property of Jane Morris proceedingsvictim , spinster, in the dwelling house of Sarah Lunn < no role > .

The witnesses examined apart at the request of Mr. Peatt, prisoners Counsel.

JANE MORRIS < no role > sworn.

I lost a box of clothes on the 8th of September, at No. 59, in Jewin-street ; I lodged there, it was in the parlour; I was out, I returned between eight and nine, the box was gone; I left the person I lodge with, Sarah London < no role > , at home; my room door was not locked.

Mr. Peatt. What is your landlady's name? - Sarah London < no role > .

Mr. Peatt. My Lord, I beg leave to observe it is Lunn in the indictment.

Court. That objection goes to the capital part of the indictment beyond all doubt.

Prosecutrix. I found one gown at Mr. Berry's in Aldersgate-street; I never found the box; and at Mr. Cordy's, I found two yards of silk belonging to the gown; I took up the woman that pawned these things; the prisoner Harding was taken up that night, and the other the next day.

JOHN CORDY < no role > BAXTER sworn.

Produced a silk gown pledged for 18 s. in the name of Mary Harding < no role > , on the 9th of September, in the forenoon.

Prosecutrix. I know the silk, I am sure of it, because of the colour, and there are just two yards of it.

PHILIP CROCKFORD < no role > sworn.

Produced a chintz gown, pledged in the name of Mary Richardson < no role > .

RUTH RICHARDSON < no role > sworn.

I live with the prisoner Harding, I pledged this gown at Mr. Berry's; I received it of the prisoners in my own room, they came in together, I saw nothing else brought, there were two gowns, a piece of silk, and an apron; I pledged the apron at Mr. Cordy's, and the silk gown and the piece of silk; I returned the money to Woodward; I asked where they got them, they bid me ask no questions; I pledged them because I knew Harding would beat me if I refused to pledge them.

GEORGE PRETTY < no role > sworn.

Produced a gown pledged by Ruth Richardson < no role > .

(Deposed to.)

Prisoner Woodward. I leave my defence to my counsel.


I know nothing of the things, they were delivered to me by a friend, and I came to ask that young woman to pledge them.

The prisoner Woodward called three witnesses to his character.

The prisoner Harding called three witnesses to his character.

BOTH GUILTY Of stealing . Fined 1 s.

Tried by the first London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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