Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

26th May 1784

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17840526-9

527. JOHN ANDERSON proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing on the 2d day of April , three linen table cloths, value 20 s. and three linen aprons, value 6 s. the property of Stephen Cook proceedingsvictim .

The witnesses examined apart at the request of the prisoner.

ELEANOR COOK < no role > sworn.

On the 22d of April, about the middle of the day, I was alone in the kitchen, and I heard the parlour door making a shrieking noise, which did not appear like the unlocking of a door to me, I listened again and heard the same, I heard a footstep along the parlour, and a man came out of the parlour with a bag in his hand, and I said hey! hey! what are you about? and he got off, and this man at the bar rushed out of the parlour and knocked me down; and beat me several times, cut my head, pulled my cap off, my hair was all about my ears, my husband and daughter were in the yard, and they came to my assistance, but did not imagine it was me, the sight of him was never lost from me, he was but a very few yards off, he was brought back in an instant.

What things did you miss? - Three aprons that were cut from the lines, and two table cloths.

STEPHEN COOK < no role > sworn.

I first saw the prisoner, and as soon as my wife cried out, I was backwards in the mangling room, I have only one step across the yard, and I opened the door, and saw her with her hair all about her head, and her forehead all bleeding, I first got sight of him about ten yards from the house, I cried out, stand you thief, and he run; he was hardly out of sight all the time, he was stopped, and I brought him back to my house, he said he did not know what other people might come to; says my daughter, you cannot eat your dinner without a fine table cloth; says he, hold your tongue.

JOHN GLOVER < no role > sworn.

The prosecutor asked me to assist him, I went with him as he said he had been robbed, I saw the prisoner and the woman bleeding.

Court to Mrs. Cook. You see you were mistaken in supposing this man never got out of sight; are you sure that was the man that was in your house? - I am positive he was one of the men, I followed him out of my house, I seized him twice, I had no great opportunity in looking him in his face.

Ho do you know that this is the same man? - I am well convinced this is the same man.

Prisoner. They stopped me, and began disputing about the reward.

Prisoner. I had my hair tied then.

Court. Was that so? - Yes, it was wrapped round in the nature of a pig-tail.

Prosecutor. His father was with me last Sunday.

Prisoner. My father was never with you.


Court. Your conduct on this occasion proves you to be a very unsafe person in this country, and you are ordered to be.

Transported to America for seven years .

Tried by the second Middlesex Jury, before Mr. RECORDER.

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