Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

26th May 1784

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17840526-122

644. WILLIAM STEWART proceedingsdefend was indicted for burglariously and feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling house of Edward Roberts proceedingsvictim , Esq ; on the 23d of January last, about the hour of one in the night, and stealing therein one garnet stock buckle, set in silver, value 40 s. two gold rings, called intaglios, value 40 s. one silver teapot, value 4 l. three silver table spoons, value 20 s. twelve silver tea spoons, value 18 s. two silver salt spoons, value 2 s. three table cloths, value 4 l. six pair of silk stockings, value 40 s. one linen stock, value 1 s. his property; four pair of cotton stockings, value 6 s. five shifts, value 6 s. four aprons, value 6 s. three caps, value 3 s. one muslin handkerchief, value 3 s. one flannel petticoat, value 2 s. and 2 l. 6 s. in monies numbered, the property of Lucy Clarke proceedingsvictim , spinster ; and one cane, covered with leather, value 2 s. the property of Richard Fowler proceedingsvictim , in the said dwelling house .

And SARAH SKITTLE proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously receiving four pair of silk stockings, value 30 s. and one linen table cloth, value 6 s. parcel of the said goods, knowing them to have been stolen .

Four pair of silk stockings were found by Macmanus in the pocket of the prisoner Sarah, at the apartment of the prisoner William, in St. Ann's-lane, Westminster, three months after this burglary; and in the drawer in the bed room was found a piece of table cloth, and another pair of stockings, and a kitchen cloth was on the table in the room, and a book with a letter of thanks from Mr. Fox to the prisoner Stewart in it.

M'Donald found on a woman of the name of Hammond, two pieces of table cloth; some pick-lock keys and pistols were also found, and a stick loaded with lead.

Mrs. Hammond deposed, that the pieces of table cloth were brought to her by the prisoner Sarah, on a quarrel with Stewart, to take care of, in April last, and the house was broke open the 23d of January.

(The silk stockings were deposed to by Mr. Roberts, and the pieces of table cloth and the cotton stockings were deposed to by Lucy Clarke < no role > .)

Mary Capon < no role > deposed, that the prisoner Sarah bought and sold old clothes at Rag-fair, and that she was with her at Rag-fair about a fortnight before she was apprehended; that she bought a good many things, petticoats, gowns, shifts, and shirts, and six pair of white silk stockings, one pair of cotton, and five table cloths, for thirty shillings, she kept the stockings to wear herself, and had not parted with the table cloths; that several pairs of the stockings were darned in the feet; and believed the stockings deposed to by Mr. Roberts to be them.

Alice Audsley < no role > also deposed, that she saw her purchase these things for thirty shillings, and gave both the prisoners a good character.

Mary Hardy < no role > also deposed she saw the prisoner Sarah purchase these things for thirty shillings, and she asked her to be a partner in the adventure, which she declined, thinking them too dear.

The Prisoner Stewart called five witnesses, who gave him a good character.

WILLIAM STEWART < no role > , SARAH SKITTLE < no role > ,


Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron PERRYN < no role > .

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