Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

25th February 1784

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17840225-22

285. JAMES BIXBY proceedingsdefend and JOHN EDWARDS proceedingsdefend were indicted for burglariously and feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling house of James Bradbury proceedingsvictim This name instance is in a workspace. , at the hour of two in the night, on the 13th of February , and feloniously stealing therein, thirty pounds weight of beef, value 10 s. the property of the said James Bradbury .

The witnesses examined apart at the request of the prisoners.

JAMES BRADBURY < no role > This name instance is in a workspace. sworn.

I am a butcher in Sharp-alley, Cow-cross ; I am a housekeeper; on the 13th of this month, when I had done work, we left the slaughter-house, and every thing was safe.

Court. Does your slaughter-house adjoin to your house? - Yes.

Is it under the same roof? - Yes. On the fourteenth, in the morning about five, I found three flanks of beef cut away and carried off.

Court. Have you another door that communicates from the slaughter-house to your house? - There is a back door opens to the kitchen door.

Where these three sides in the slaughter-house the night preceding? - Yes.

What time did you shut up your slaughter-house? - Between eight and nine, then they were all whole; they took out three flanks, value ten shillings; the next morning I received information that the prisoners had taken the beef to one Slokum's house, who is here; his mother-in-law and he had a quarrel, and she discovered it: the bolt of the slaughter-house was wrenched and the padlock hasp, and all the doors were open; when we left them the bolt was fast on, and the hasp in good repair, but the next morning the hasp was strained all to pieces almost; we took Slokum directly, and he confessed who brought the beef to him, and we took up the prisoners, and Slokum fetched the beef. I saw the beef at Justice Blackborough's, it was delivered to me; the beef was particular, a piece of what we call the cod was cut to it.

Court. Do you know any thing of the prisoners taking the beef? - No, only by Slokum's confession.

CHRISTOPHER NEWCOME < no role > sworn.

I know nothing of the prisoners, only I was at this slaughter-house the night before, and I saw the place safe.

Court. Gentlemen, there is nothing to affect these prisoners but from the testimony of Slokum, and unless there had been some foundation laid, I cannot examine an accomplice.

JAMES BIXBY < no role > , JOHN EDWARDS < no role > ,


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron PERRYN < no role > .

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