Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th December 1783

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17831210-61

58. JOSEPH BISHOP proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing on the 4th of November last, five silk handkerchiefs, value 12 s. a cotton handkerchief, value 2 s. one linen handkerchief, value 12 d. the property of Samuel Milsom proceedingsvictim , privately in his shop .

SAMUEL MILSOM < no role > sworn.

I keep a pawn-broker and broker 's shop, in Wenton-street, White-chapel . On the 4th of November I went out about some business, about nine o'clock in the morning, and left my servant, Ann Perry < no role > , to take care of the shop; I returned about one o'clock; my servant told me I had been robbed, and I looked on the shelf and missed the things mentioned in the indictment; they were there when I went away, they are now in Court.

ANN PERRY < no role > sworn.

My master went out between nine and ten o'clock, and before eleven o'clock this Joseph Bishop < no role > came to our house, and asked me what he had to do, I told him the same as usual; he was employed by my master in sawing wood; I went into the kitchen to give the child something to drink, I left him in the shop, I heard somebody step in the shop, I looked in the shop I did not see any body, nor I did not see him, I did not look at the place where handkerchiefs were, I went back to the kitchen, then I heard somebody walk in the shop again, I looked towards the handkerchiefs, and I saw Joseph Bishop < no role > something aside; I said, you have taken something, He said, he had not, I laid hold of him, and by my pulling him I unbuttoned his waistcoat, and down dropt the handkerchiefs mentioned in the indictment (The things deposed to.) another man came in to my assistance, and I had him stripped; my master was not at home, and in his breeches there was these; then my master came in.


I was going into the shop, and I saw these handkerchiefs lay upon the ground, and I was going to pick them up, the maid came out directly, and said I was going to rob my master, and she would swear my life away if she could.

GUILTY. Of stealing, but not privately .

Transported for seven years .

Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM < no role > .

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