Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th December 1783

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17831210-147

144. JOSEPH PHIPPS proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 2d of December , two men's linen shirts, value 6 s. five neckcloths, value 10 s. the property of Elizabeth Hooper proceedingsvictim , three handkerchiefs, value 18 d. and one pair of buttons, set in silver, value 3 s. the property of Mary Swann proceedingsvictim , spinster .

EDWARD HOOPER < no role > sworn.

On the 2d of this month, I was in my office and desired my clerk to carry a book up stairs, the door was open and there were several people on business there, and in carrying up the book he says, Lord, Sir, here is a man going up stairs without his shoes; I went immediately out on hearing that; I jumped up and caught the prisoner by the collar, at the bottom of the stairs; he had by this time slipped into his shoes; this was between twelve and one o'clock, I meant to have kicked him out of my house; I asked him what he was going up stairs for; he said, for his prize money; I said, you rascal, I will give you that in a minute; just as I had got him to the door a person said you had better examine him; he kept himself leaning against the wainscot: I thrust in my hand in his bosom, and pulled out a shirt wet, he was then examined, and between us we pulled out from him two shirts, and five neckcloths, they were wet; the girl came in and ran up stairs, and she came down again and said she had lost her buttons; we examined him, and out of his breeches we pulled out three handkerchiefs, and he put his hand into one pocket and pulled out one button, and we found the other; the things were put up together by themselves; I could not get any constable; I sent for a coach and I put them into the coach, and the other witness and myself went away over to Guildhall, and then we gave the things to the clerk, and a constable was sent for, and the prisoner was committed.

MARY SQUIRE < no role > sworn.

I washed the things, and carried them up stairs, and put them in the garret, my mistress was to hang them up, she sent me out, and while I was out they were taken.

THOMAS HUDSON < no role > sworn.

I was in the house of Mr. Hooper when the prisoner was stopped and these things taken from him: I helped to stop him and search him.

(The things deposed to.)


I was going to look after my prize money, and I was standing at the door, and a woman came down and gave me these things, and I had them in my hand and was taken; I live at Falmouth; I belong to the Alert sloop of war , Captain Williams < no role > commands it; she has eighteen guns; she is at Woolwich.


Transported for seven years .

Tried by the second London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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