Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

29th October 1783

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17831029-78

800. JACOB LEVI WOLFE proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing on the 25th of October last, one looking-glass in a mahogany frame, value 20 s. the property of John Swales proceedingsvictim .

MARY SWALES < no role > sworn.

On Saturday the 25th of October, about half after ten, or near eleven, I was in the next room, and I thought I heard a footstep, I immediately went into the passage, and as I was going down to the front parlour, I missed the glass, I saw the prisoner going about three doors from mine with the glass on his right arm, I said stop that fellow, and he set down the glass, he put it down very carefully against the wall of Mr. Braley's house, he went towards the Mansion-house, I took the glass and went towards my own door; and the prisoner was taken in Lothbury, I did not see him taken.

How do you know it is the same man? - I am confident it is the same man I saw with the glass, and that passed me when I returned with the glass; I had a full view of him, and I am very sure it is the same person.

JOHN BRALEY < no role > sworn.

I was standing at my door the 25th of October, I live next door but one to the prosecutrix, she came out of their house and said, stop that man, he has stole my looking-glass: I saw him then with the glass under his arm, I did not notice him before, I followed him and he was taken in Lothbury; I never lost sight of him, I am sure this is the same man.


I was going to Mr. Jones's, an attorney in Castle-yard, Holborn, No. 16, about some money, and going past that place, I am not acquainted much in London, I came from the West Indies, and a woman asked me to carry this glass: soon after the woman came and said, young man the glass belongs to me. I have no witnesses, but there are several gentlemen that know me, and they may be in this Court now, or they would come to my character tomorrow.


Sentence respited till next Sessions .

Tried by the second London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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