Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

30th April 1783

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17830430-15

260. ROBERT ROGERS proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing on the 15th of March last, one pair of silver shoe buckles, value 10 s. the goods of Mary Lindsey proceedingsvictim , spinster .

MARY LINDSEY < no role > sworn.

I have known the prisoner, backwards and forwards in the street, for a twelve month and better, I was in my uncle's house in Westminster , in the back yard, on the 15th of March, and the prisoner took the opportunity of coming through the house, and forced the buckles out of my hands.

Court. But he did not do that at once I suppose, tell us all that passed between you? He had often asked me for them, and I told him I could not give them to him, because my mother would be angry.

How came the buckles in your hand? - I was going to put them by.

What in the back yard? - No, Sir, I had them in my hand.

So he took them by force, and carried them away? - Yes.

How long did he stay, with you that time? - Not ten minutes.

What did you do about the loss of these buckles? - About a fortnight afterwards, one of his comrades wives told my uncle of it, and he told my mother, and then went for a warrant.

Court. You got a warrant, after your mother knew of it? - Yes.

Court to Jury. You need not go any farther on with this I believe gentlemen.


Court to Mary Lindsey < no role > . Your uncle should have had more sense, than to have made you come here, on such business as this.

Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Baron EYRE < no role > .

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