Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

28th June 1780

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17800628-14

304. ANN BARNS proceedingsdefend , spinster , was indicted for stealing twenty-five yards of printed cotton, value 46 s. the property of John Ravenhill proceedingsvictim , privately, in the shop of the said John , June 10th .

JOHN RAVENHILL < no role > sworn.

I am a linen-draper . On Saturday the 10th of this month, the prisoner came into my shop, and asked for half a yard of coloured lawn. I followed her into the shop. I was talking with a lady. My man attended the prisoner. She staid in the shop about ten minutes. When she was gone out of the shop my man told me he suspected she had taken a piece of cotton off the pile of pieces which lay before the door. I followed the prisoner about an hundred yards; she had on a very large cloak; I stopped her; and then the piece of cotton fell down. I took hold of it. A great many people were about. I wanted her to take it back to the shop in her apron, that we might not have a mob collect about it, and she took it up, and then she threw it down and said she knew nothing of it, and threatened very much to trouble me for scandalizing her. I sent for a constable and gave him charge of her, and had her taken before a justice of peace.

(The piece of cotton was produced in court and deposed to by the prosecutor.)

Are you sure that is your property? - Yes, my mark is upon it; it is a whole piece, never cut. I shewed it to a person at nine o'clock that morning, which was about two hours before the prisoner stole it.


The prosecutor took two false oaths at the justice's about it. My witnesses were here about an hour ago, but they are gone now. When I went into the shop the cotton was not there; when I went out he brought me back again, and said, he laid a piece of cotton to my charge which lay on the ground. He said he had seen it upon me in the street. I asked him why he did not take it from me before.

GUILTY ( Death .)

Tried by the First Middlesex Jury before Mr. Justice ASHHURST

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