Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

20th October 1779

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17791020-36

513. ANN CRAWFORD proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing two guineas, seven half guineas, and one shilling in monies numbered the property of William Hutchins proceedingsvictim , September 29th .

WILLIAM HUTCHINS < no role > sworn.

As I was coming up Ludgate-hill , on the 29th of September, at about twenty minutes before eleven in the evening, I met with the prisoner; we went up the court and had about two minutes conversation together, during the conversation she picked my pocket; we parted; I turned round and saw her run; I clapped my hand to my pocket and missed part of my money; I had more in my pocket; I pursued her, and near the church I caught hold of her left arm, and said, madam, you have robbed me; she said how came you to think of that, did not you hear money jump out of your pocket on the pavement. She threw a key down on the pavement to deceive me, that while I was looking for it, she might get away; I took her up into the court again, and said she had part of my property, and desired her to give it up to me; she said I have not, for you must have heard it jump out of your pocket on the pavement; I told her there was no such thing, and if she did not deliver my property immediately, I would call the watch; she said no, do not call the watch, I will give it you; I said then do not hesitate about it, for if you do I will call him immediately; she then said how can you think I have any of your property, I have none of it; I then called the watch, and desired him to go for Mr. Proctor, the constable, whom I knew; he went, but could not find him, he brought Mardell, and gave him charge of the prisoner; we took her into a house in Stationer's-alley, there Mardell searched her, and found the money in her mouth; he took out two guineas, six half guineas, and one shilling, and one half guinea dropped on the floor as he took it out of her mouth. I had in the whole in my pocket three guineas, fifteen half guineas, and a shilling; I had counted the money about fifteen minutes before; I was in no one's company but her's; I missed exactly the money found upon her.

RICHARD MARDELL < no role > sworn.

I am a constable. I was fetched by the watchman, and found the prosecutor and the prisoner together; I searched her and found the money in her mouth (producing it); she said it was her first offence, and begged he would forgive her.


I have nothing particular to say.


Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

[Imprisonment. See summary.]

[Whipping. See summary.]

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