Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th January 1777

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17770115-6

75. CHARLES DRAKE proceedingsdefend This name instance is in set 2655. was indicted for stealing a silver pint mug. value 3 l. the property of Robert Phillips proceedingsvictim , December 11th .

ROBERT PHILLIPS < no role > sworn.

I keep the Half-moon Tavern, Cheapside : the prisoner came into my house on the 11th of December, and ordered a couple of mutton chops for dinner and a mug of small beer, while he was eating I took notice of some marks on his hand; there was an anchor and 73. after dinner he ordered another mug of beer; I had some suspicion of him and gave the waiter a charge to watch him; I went to shew a gentleman up stairs, in the mean time the bell rang, and the waiter went up stairs, when I came down I asked the waiter, if the prisoner was gone; he said, he did not know; he went into the room, and the prisoner and the mug were gone; he ordered a pennyworth of tobacco, which he left, he had not smoked any of it: I went to Sir John Fielding < no role > 's in the evening, and coming home I called at the London Coffee-house, and gave a description of him; I heard of him by the name of Boots on the Monday following; I heard that he was stopped at the London Tavern, I went there; I knew him by the marks; he sent a man to me yesterday to know if I would forgive him if he produced the mug; I said it was out of my power.

' WILLIAM CUTTINGDON < no role > , the waiter,

'confirmed the prosecutor's testimony, and

'added, that he saw the mug standing on the

'table before the prisoner about 2 minutes

'before he missed him and the mug, and that

'there was no other person in the room.'

The prisoner said nothing in his defence.


Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

[Imprisonment. See summary.]

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