Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

4th December 1776

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17761204-36

35. EDWARD FITZMAURICE STACK proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a bolster, value 2 s. two pillows, value 2 s. a pair of linen sheets, value 10 s. two linen pillow cases, value 1 s. a blanket, value 5 s. a cotton bed-quilt, value 10 s. 6 d. a damask table-cloth, value 4 s. a copper tea-kettle, value 4 s. an iron poker, value 6 d. and a pair of iron tongs, value 1 s. the property of Sarah Clark proceedingsvictim , widow , the said goods being in a certain lodging room let by contract by the said Sarah to the said Edward , May 31st .


Tried by the Second Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM < no role > .

He was a second time indicted for stealing a bolster, value 1 s. two-pillows, value 2 s. two linen pillow cases, value 1 s. a pair of linen sheets, value 6 s. a pair of blankets, value 6 s. two cheque curtains, value 3 s. a cheque tester-cloth for a bed, value 1 s. a pier looking-glass, value 10 s. a copper tea-kettle, value 2 s. a copper stew-pan, value 2 s. and two brass candlesticks, value 1 s. the property of Robert Hyde proceedingsvictim , the said goods being in a certain lodging room let by contract by the said Robert to the said Edward, against the statute , October 5th .

ROBERT HYDE < no role > sworn.

I live in Hanway-yard, in the Parish of Mary-le-bone : the prisoner took a lodging of my wife on the 7th of September, and staid till the 5th of October; my wife made the agreement.

JANE HYDE < no role > sworn.

The prisoner took a lodging of me on the seventh of September, between seven and eight at night, he locked the door, and went to a public-house which is almost opposite; in about ten minutes he sent me a note that parcular business called him to Richmond, and he should not be at home till Tuesday morning.

Did he pay you? - Yes; he paid me three weeks out of the four; not returning on Tuesday, I attempted to look through the crevices into his room; it is an old house, and there were some crevices in the door, but I found he had stopped them all up; I got a knife and opened the crevices; then I saw that the curtains were gone, and the room was in a condition not fit to mention; I got a constable and had the door broke open, and missed all the things mentioned in the indictment; they were all in the room when he took it; he took the key with him: I never found any of my things again; when he was taken I saw him at Sir John Fielding < no role > 's; he said there, if I would not appear against him, the money should be paid and every thing replaced.

SARAH LLOYD < no role > sworn.

I was at Sir John Fielding < no role > 's when the prisoner was there: he said, that he did not know where the things were, but if Mrs. Hyde would be favourable to him, he would replace every thing, and pay all expences.

Are you sure you make no mistake in the relation of this affair? - Yes.


I said, if she could make it appear she had lost such things, I would enquire after them; and if I could not find them, I would pay for them.


Tried by the Second Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM < no role > .

[Imprisonment. See summary.]

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