Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

18th February 1775

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17750218-52

237 (2d M.) WILLIAM LEWIS proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing two silver table spoons, value twenty one shillings , the property of Margaret, Dowager Countess of Barrymore proceedingsvictim , in the kingdom of Ireland, January 16 . ||

James Gribben < no role > . I am butler to the Countess of Barrymore. I had the care of the plate. I lost two silver table spoons on the 16th of January, I found them at one Brotherton's, a pawnbroker, who told me the prisoner pawned them; he was seen going by the door two or three days after, he was apprehended by one of the servants, he was brought into the house, and charged with stealing the spoons; the Countess came in, and the prisoner went down on his knees, and asked her pardon, and said he was very poor, and he hoped she would forgive him, she said she could not, the law must take its course. (the spoons produced.) When they were lost, they had a cypher, a coronet over the cypher, denoting they were once the spoons of the Princess Amelia, but when they were brought back from the pawnbrokers, the cypher and coronet were erased, and they were marked W. I. By observing the spoons, it is easy to see that something has been scratched out.

Christopher Brotherton < no role > . I am apprentice to Mr. Brown, a pawnbroker in Long-acre, on the 22th of January the prisoner pledged the the two spoons for a guinea, in the name of William Jones < no role > ; they were marked W. I. he said they were his own, and that he lived in Oxendon-street, near the Hay-market; I received a hand bill about a week after, describing the spoons; I took them to Sir John Fielding < no role > 's, and went to lady Barrymore; I am sure the prisoner is the man that pawned them.

Dennis Garraty < no role > . I am servant to a lady who lives with lady Barrymore; I had the joint care of the spoons, I belive them to be the spoons that were lost.

The prisoner in his defence said, that lady Barrymore promised to forgive him.

Guilty . T .

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