Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

18th May 1768

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17680518-40

389, 390. (L.) William Law proceedingsdefend and Thomas Russel proceedingsdefend were indicted for stealing a pair of leather boots, value 2 s. the property of John Rogers proceedingsvictim , April 21 . ++

James Munday < no role > . Mr. Rogers is brother-in-law to Mr. Charles Rivington < no role > , whose servant I am; on the 21st of April I had been out, coming home I saw Russel standing playing with a whip in the passage; I asked him who he was waiting for; he said, nobody; then I bid him go about his business, he went out; upon my going farther I saw Law coming out of the stable with a pair of Mr. Rogers's boots under his arm; I asked him what he was going to do with them; he made no answer, but fell a crying; I took him to the constable, he was taken before my Lord Mayor and committed; he having said Russel bid him come in for a whip, I took him also.

Law's defence.

I am twelve years of age come September the 28th; I was sent for a quartern of sixpenny butter, I staid three quarters of an hour; when I got home my mother asked me where I had been; I said, I had been to Mr. Jackson's, a shoemaker; she went to look for my father to beat me; I happened to pick up a stone and hit Russel on his back, he having a whip in his hand ran after me; I ran into this place, and just going in I fell over a pair of boots; I took them up to defend myself against his whip, I never thought of stealing them.

Russel's defence.

I know nothing at all of the boots.

Both Acq.

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