Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

24th February 1768

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17680224-19

175. (M.) Dennis Caffery , otherwise Capery proceedingsdefend , was indicted for stealing a quarter of a ton of Scotch coals, value 4 s. the property of John Grimes proceedingsvictim and Jane Holmes proceedingsvictim , widow , Jan. 22 . ++

John Rymer < no role > . I am servant to Mess. Grimes and Holmes, they are partners in the coal trade ; I went down to the water-side at Durham-yard , on the 23d of last month in the morning, between three and four o'clock, I saw the prisoner in his boat with some Scotch coals in her; he shoved her off, I got in another and followed him, and brought him back; he offered me a couple of shillings to let him go; I took him to St. Martin's Round-house; he had about 500 weight of coals in his boat; I first saw him by the side of our craft, in which were Scotch coals, and there was no other craft there had any in them, and there were a great many missing out of our craft.

Prisoner's defence.

I came to market and got a little in liquor; the porter unloaded my boat for me, and after that I lost her, and when I found her there were coals in her; I was throwing them out when the man came to me.

John Grimes < no role > . I have heard the prisoner did bear a good character.

Guilty 10 d. W .

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