Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

30th May 1754

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17540530-12

316. (M.) Mary Taylor proceedingsdefend spinster , was indicted for stealing 10 gross of mohair buttons, value 40 s. and one pound weight of twist made of silk and mohair, value 16 s. the property of James Winter proceedingsvictim May 18 .*.

James Winter < no role > . I live in Drury-Lane, and am a button-maker : I lost a large parcel of buttons, there were 47 bags, which if they had been full, there would have been double the quantity. I lost 10 gross at leastand a pound of twist; I found them again in the custody of the woman that received them : her name is Mary Painter < no role > ; the prisoner sold them to her: the goods are now in the constable's custody.

James Fitzheury < no role > (he produced the things.) I had these one Mary Painter < no role > .

Q. to Winter. Are these your things?

James Fitzhenry < no role > . They are, but my name is taken off the bags, and their own put on.

Constable. My Lord, the girl confessed she sold all the things to the old gentlewoman, and she did not deny it.

Winter. My Lord, she told me she would pawn her apron to make it up to me. I asked her what she had for the things; and for things that stood me in three-pence halfpenny, she said she gave her a halfpenny for; and a bag of buttons, which stands me in five shillings and six-pence, she bought for three pence halfpenny. She said Painter gave her gin and beer, and made her drunk, and said, if she would bring her goods, she would buy them, and she should live with her I lost several other great quantities of goods; they were found in the custody of Mary Painter < no role > .

I took the prisoner out of charity as a servant .

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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