Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

6th September 1753

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17530906-36

413. (M.) Mary Fury proceedingsdefend , widow , was indicted for stealing one cloth coat, value 1 s. one pair of yarn stockings, value 6 d. one pair of leather shoes, one pair of brass buckles ; the goods of Terrance Rorke proceedingsvictim , August 10 . ++

Terrance Rorke < no role > . I live in the parish of St. Giles's , with one Catherine Robertson < no role > ; I was in bed and asleep when these thing mentioned in the indictment were missing, the prisoner was taken up in St. Giles's, with the things upon her, except the shoes; I had word sent me of it, I got some other cloaths of a friend and put them on, and went and found the prisoner and my things which were taken from off the bed.

Q. Did she say how she came by them?

Rorke. She said she gave half a crown for them to a person in the street who had them to sell.

Catherine Robertson. The prosecutor lodg'd with me, there was a young man lay with him, and a market woman lay on the other side of the room; I know nothing how his cloaths were lost, but I was by when the prisoner was taken with them upon her, except the shoes; we took her before the justice, there she said she bought them in the street for half a crown, but did not know the person she bought them on.

Prisoner's defence.

I deal in old cloaths and was crying them, a woman brought the things to me, and asked me if I would buy them; which I did, for half a crown, and hung them on my arm, and a woman going along said, a man had lost them.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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