Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

6th September 1753

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17530906-32

408. (M.) Mary Hadlep proceedingsdefend , widow , was indicted for stealing a silver watch, value thirty shillings , the goods of William Greenfield proceedingsvictim , July 23 . ++

William Greenfield < no role > . I am a chairman , and live in Brewer-street, Golden-Square ; the night before the last prisoners suffered, which was on the twenty-third of July, the prisoner came to my house and brought a girl there, I fell asleep, my watch was hanging on a brass nail over the fire-place in the room. I waked at three o'clock and missed my watch, I suspected the prisoner, and pursued her, and on enquiry found her in the Round-house, where I charg'd her with some keys, which I thought she had taken, but she denied them. I then asked her af the watch, and found she had endeavoured to sell it to Mr. Fitz. Henry, who look'd it up, and sent her to the Round-house. When she was before justice Fielding she own'd she took it.

Q. Are you a married man?

Greenfield. Yes.

Q. Was your wife your bedfellow that night?

Greenfield. No, I had a young girl with me in the room.

Q. Where was your wife that night?

Greenfield. She was an hundred and fifty miles off.

Q. Did not you give the girl that watch?

Greenfield. No, I did not.

Q. What time did she go away?

Greenfield. At four o'clock in the morning.

Q. Was your watch there then?

Greenfield. No, my Lord.

Patrick Fitz < no role > . Henry. I keep a publick-house; the prisoner came to my house on the 23d of July last, and called for liquors, she seemed much fuddled; after she had drank what she first called for she called for more, on which I asked her if she had got money to pay me; she said if she had not got money she had that which would pay me; then she called me into the back room and shewed me a watch, which I asked her how she came by; she said a gentleman's servant gave it her to pawn, I then took her to the High Constable, who ordered me to keep the watch. We advertised it, and the next day the prosecutor came and owned it, where she said that the girl that was with the prosecutor that night gave it her to pawn; then she was committed.

Prisoner's Defence.

Coming along Beaver-Street on Sunday night was seven weeks, and this young woman with me, the prosecutor ran after her, and made us go with him, saying, he had something good to treat us with. We went and he brought out a bottle of rasberry gin and a bottle of cherry brandy, we drank out the bottle of gin, and he said he would give her a guinea to get some cloaths to make her look tight and clean: afterwards he took the watch out, and said, take this till I give you the guinea: then I went home, and she came home about seven or eight o'clock, and asked me to go and pawn it, and I having seen him offer it to her while I was in the room, thought it was no harm to take it to Fitz-Henry's house, where to be sure I told a story, in saying I had it from a gentleman's servant.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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