Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

11th July 1750

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17500711-13

433. Rachael , wife of Daniel Robinson proceedingsdefend proceedingsdefend , was indicted for stealing three yards of woollen cloth, val. 15 s one linen handkerchief, val. 6 d. the goods of John Bowston proceedingsvictim , May 28 .

John Bowston < no role > . I live in East Smithfield in Stone-house yard, I am a taylor , I missed upwards of three yards of cloth the 28th of May, out of a room where none went into but she, my wife and I. Here is a yard and half taken out of pawn.

Q. Is the pawnbroker here?

Bowston. No, my Lord, I am a poor man and thought it would put me to charges to bring him.

Q. Was this woman your servant?

Bowston. She lodged in my house, and worked for me.

Prisoner's Defence. There was another woman worked in the room with me at the same time the cloth was lost.

Q. to the Prosecutor. Was there another woman worked with her in the same room at that time?

Prosecutor. There was a woman did which the prisoner employed.

Acquitted .

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