Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

5th December 1746

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17461205-8

11. Ann Webley proceedingsdefend was indicted for robbing Francis Kerton proceedingsvictim of a Tortoise shell Snuff-box , the 12th of November .

Francis Kerton < no role > . I was crossing Fetter-lane the 12th of November, between Three and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, I felt something press very close to me: I put my Hand in my Pocket, and I immediately missed my Snuff-box. I took hold of the Prisoner, she pretended to buckle her Shoe, and dropped the Snuff box behind her.

Q. What was your Snuff-box?

Kerton. Tortoise shell, with a Silver Rim.

Thomas Dowe < no role > . On the 12th of November, Mr Kerton came to my Door; I keep an Oil-shop the Corner of Fetter-lane; says he, this Woman has just pick'd my Pocket; I said, why do not you take her up, upon which he took hold of her, and I saw her drop it.

The Prisoner utterly denied the Fact, and said there was a Woman and a Boy along with her: but the Prosecutor declared he saw none. She said she had Witnesses, but they were gone.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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