Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

29th June 1743

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17430629-1

283. Judith Arman proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a Copper Tea-Kettle, a Pair of Sheets, and a Smoothing-Iron, the Goods of James Kennedy proceedingsvictim , (in her Lodging) May 12 .

James Kennedy < no role > . The Prisoner came to lodge with me the 6th of May, and on the 12th of May she stole these Things: I met her accidentally in the Park on Whitson-Monday, (of all the Days in the Year) between two and three o'Clock in the Afternoon, said I, How could you be such a base Jade as to rob me, and take away my Key too; she begged for her Life, and said she had pawned them.

Rachael Bradshaw < no role > , the Pawnbroker's Servant. I took these Things in from the Prisoner, and her Sister, I lent her two 2 s. on the Tea-kettle, 12 d. on the Sheets, and 4 d. on the Iron, I have known the Prisoner these 5 Years, she has pawned Things frequently at our House. Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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