Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

13th October 1742

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17421013-16

132. Robert Bird proceedingsdefend , of St Giles's Cripplegate , was indicted for breaking and entering the Dwelling-House of Samuel Sanders < no role > , about the Hour of one in the Night, and taking from thence 116 Ells of Linnen, called Gulix Holland, value 28 l. 623 Lawn Handkerchiefs < no role > , value 44 l. and 90 Yards of Irish Linnen, value 3 l. 10 s. the Goods of Samuel Sanders proceedingsvictim , August 21 .

Samuel Sanders < no role > . The 21st of August last, about two in the Morning, the Watchman called me up, and told me the Flap of my Cellar-Window was open, I rose in a Fright and looked out and saw the Cellar-Window was broke next the Street; said I my dear, I am afraid we shall be killed, for I believe the Rogues are in the House, for the Watchman stands at the Flap of the Cellar-Door, which was broke open; it fastens with two Bolts, and a Dog into a Kirb; my Goods were in a little Warehouse below Stairs, which I put things into that my Shop will not hold.

Mary Paine < no role > . I fastened the Cellar Window at half an Hour after eight o'Clock on the Friday Night, August 20.

William Pritchet < no role > . On the 21st of August, between twelve and one on Saturday Morning, as I was going Home in order to go to Bed, I met Joseph Kent < no role > , and Robert Bird < no role > , the Prisoner; said I, where are you going? I will go along with you. Damn you, said they, we don't want your Company. This was in Cock's-head-Court , in Golden-Lane, where Kent lives; says Kent's Wife, will you be a Penny? So she gave me 2 d. and I put a Penny to it, and we had a Pot of Beer: While we were drinking it, says Kent's Wife, somebody is coming up Stairs. Kent came up with a Load upon his Back, and Bird with two long Pieces rolled up under his Arm, which seemed to me to be Cloth, and Kent put the Goods into a Closet in his Room: Seeing this, I had a Suspicion they had been a robbing: They went out again, and I followed them: They went to the Prosecutor's House: The Prisoner at the Bar went into the Cellar, and Kent stood at the Top of the Stairs, receiving the Goods from the Prisoner, and putting them into a Bag. Says I, what do you do here? Says Kent, Damn you, as you are come, take this up, and carry it away; and I being in Liquor, fell down before I had got a Stones-throw. When I came to Ken t's House, I fell down upon the Stairs, with a Load upon my Back. When I came up Stairs, the Goods were all in the Middle of the Room; then they took the Goods up again, and went away: When we got to Grub-street, says Kent, Pritchet, you may go back again now. Said I, you may as well let me see where the Goods go now. No, by G - d, says he, you shall not. When I came back again, the Goods were all gone. Says Kent to me, Robert Bird < no role > has got an old Coat, he will give you that for your Trouble.

Mary Stapleton < no role > . I live next Door to Kent's House: About two o'Clock in the Morning, I saw Bird and Kent bring several Bundles into Kent's House , and carry them out again afterwards.

William Rugby < no role > , the Constable. I had my Lord Mayor's Warrant to search for these Goods, and I found them in an empty House, Aug. 21, about six o'Clock in the Evening.

Sanders. I have something to say to the Court with respect to the intended Sale of these Goods: They were to have been sold to some Jews, but they were so conscientious, they would not buy any thing of a Sunday; but this Holland, that cost me 4 s. an Ell , they were to sell them at 4 d. a Yard. Guilty , Death .

Mr. Sanders. My Lord, I beg that Pritchet may be detained in the Compter, in order to give Evidence against the other (Kent) when he is taken. He is an incorrigible Villain; I shall catch him very quickly.

Pritchet gave his own Consent to it: He said he could work in the Compter; and had rather be there than not, for fear of being killed.

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