Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

13th January 1738

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17380113-20

25. Thomas Lewis proceedingsdefend , was indicted for privately stealing a Silver Watch, value 5 l. and a Gold Seal, value 30 s. from the Person of Thomas Wansel proceedingsvictim . Jan. 5 .

Capt. Wansel. Yesterday se'nnight, as I was coming out of Covent-Garden Playhouse , the Prisoner jostled me; I push'd him off, and at that Instant he clapped down his Hand towards my Pocket, and I felt my Watch twitch'd away; I immediately collar'd him, but he threw his Hand behind him, and something I perceived in it; two Fellows came up to him, and endeavoured to rescue him, but I dragg'd him out, and two Soldiers seized him and carried him into a Tavern, where the People bid me search him; but I said it would be to no Purpose to search him, for he had given my Watch to some of his Confederates. When he was before Justice Frazier, he was searched, but I never saw my Watch any more.

John Honghton < no role > . I saw the Disturbance that Night, and saw the Prisoner with his Hand behind him, and something of a Lump in it, but I can't say what it was; two Fellows came up to the Prisoner's Assistance, and interfer'd in his Behalf.

Prisoner. It was my Handkerchief, that I had at that Time; I never had a Watch in my Hand in my Life.

Several Persons appeared to the Prisoner's Character. Acquitted .

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