Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th July 1729

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17290709-61

Ann Lewis proceedingsdefend of Christchurch , was indicted for stealing a silver Watch, value 5l. the Property of a Person unknown , the 30th of June last. Elizabeth Jolly < no role > depos'd, that as herself and the Prisoner were going along St. Paul's Churchyard the Night mention'd in the Indictment, they met with a Gentleman, who ask'd them to drink a Glass of Wine; that they went to the Salutation Tavern , and that after they had been drinking some time, the Prisoner bid her make the best of her Way, telling her she had got the Watch; that the Prisoner did go away, but she staying, was stopp'd. Thomas Taylor < no role > depos'd that a Gentleman came to his House with the Prisoner and the Evidence, and having got a Constable, one Walter James < no role > put the Watch into his Hands, saying, that it was a stolen Watch, and that Elizabeth Jolly < no role > , or one of those Women had stolen it. The Prosecutor did not Think fit to appear, and so there being no Evidence against the Prisoner but that of Elizabeth Jolly, the Jury acquitted her .

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