Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

1st May 1728

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17280501-24

James Parr proceedingsdefend , of Bishopsgate-street , was indicted for privately and feloniously stealing a Silver Tankard, value 6 l. 10 s. out of the Dwelling-House of Adam Brown proceedingsvictim , on the 3d of April last.

Elizabeth Brown < no role > depos'd, That the Tankard was left in a Room in her House in Custody of the Prisoner, and that he was no sooner gone but the Tankard was missing.

Edward York < no role > depos'd, That he bought the Tankard of a Man and Woman, for which he gave them 6 l. 7 s. that they call'd each other Mother and Son, but he could not be positive that the Prisoner was the Man.

Lettice Benson < no role > depos'd, That the Prisoner came to her House, and calling her Mother, said, an old Gentlewoman had left his Wife a Silver Tankard, and desired her to go with him to sell it, which she did, not knowing it to be stolen, and that they sold it to Mr York for 6 l. 7 s. out of which he paid her some Money which he owed her. This was likewise confirmed by Sarah Dawson < no role > ; the Tankard being produced in Court, Mr. York depes'd, that it was the same which was sold to him; and the Prosecutor depos'd, That it was the same which was stolen out of his House, nothing being plainer, the Jury found him Guilty . Death .

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