Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

28th February 1728

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17280228-46

Timothy Moor proceedingsdefend , and John Richardson proceedingsdefend , of St. James Clerkenwell , were indicted for assaulting John Marshall proceedingsvictim , in New-Prison , putting him in Fear, and taking from him one Moidore, 5 Guineas, and 5 s. in Silver .

The Prosecutor (a plain Country Man) depos'd, That he and another mistaking their Way, asked at the Gate of New-Prison, if there was not a Thoroughfare, for they wanted to go to Islington; upon which, the Man at the Door let him in, and immediately a Woman seiz'd his Hat, and two Men, the Prisoners at the Bar, shov'd him into a Dungeon, where they unbutton'd his Breeches, tore down his Waistcoat, and took away his Money mentioned in the Indictment.

Mr. Caddie depos'd, That he saw the Prisoners take hold of the Prosecutor and dragg'd him along, saying they would shew him the back Way to Islington, that they carried him into a Place, where they had not been long, but they ran out, and that this Deponent complaining of the hard Usage of the Countrymen, Shaw, the Under Keeper laugh'd at it; but when this Deponent found that the Prosecutor was robb'd of his Money, he very generously stood by the innocent Countrymen and complained of them to the Head Keeper, who threatened the Prisoners, but could not get them to confess the Fact.

George Cross < no role > depos'd, That he, with the Prosecutor, missing their Way, Shaw, the Turnkey, let them in at the Gate, and bade the Prisoners shew them the back Way to Islington; confirming likewise what the Prosecutor depos'd, and adding, that he had seen the Prosecutor a Day or two before pull out 4 or 5 Guineas, and that when he was let loose from those Villains, after they had robb'd him, he was so terrified and foam'd at the Mouth, so that this Deponent, though acquainted with him, scarce knew him. The Prisoners call'd Margaret Watson < no role > in their Behalf, who strengthen'd the Evidence of the Prosecutor; they had little to say in their Behalf, but that Shaw the Under-keeper, bid them shew them the back Way to Islington, and they hurried him away, but did not rob him: But the Fact appearing plain, the Jury found them guilty of Felony.

[Transportation. See summary.]

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