Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

5th July 1727

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17270705-55

Elizabeth Lucas proceedingsdefend , of St. Leonards Shoreditch , was indicted for stealing a Linnen Gown, a Cotton Petticoat, and other wearing Apparel , the Goods of Elizabeth Huoyes proceedingsvictim , which Goods she confest she had stolen and pawn'd with one Mitchel, a Pawnbroker in George Yard in Whitechapel, who refused to let the Prosecutor see the Goods or produce then at the Trial, though she made him sensible of the Affair; but 'tis hoped the just Measures the Court took with him on that Occasion may be a Lesson to the Gentlemen of that honest Prosession. Guilty to the Val. of 10 d.

[Transportation. See summary.]

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