Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th July 1723

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17230710-29

Ann, Wife of Daniel Cole < no role > proceedingsdefend , of St. Katherines , was indicted for feloniously stealing a Linnen Sheet, value 4 s. and other Linnen , the Property of James Knot proceedingsvictim . The Prosecutor depos'd, That he being a Lodger in the Prisoner's House, was gone out, and had lock'd his Chamber-Door, but left the Key in it; and coming home again, before he went up Stairs, heard a Drawer of his Chest of Drawers rattle, and going into the Room found the Prisoner there, and a Sheet which was in that Drawer thrown behind something in the Room. The Prisoner pleaded, That she going into her own Room, which was upon the same Floor, was coming down, and a Gentleman being then a going up Stairs, she stood up against the Prosecutor's Door to give him Way, and the Door opening she did step a little Way in, but deny'd her having meddled with any Thing of his Linnen. She call'd many credible Persons to her Reputation, and it appearing that there had been a Quarrel between the Prisoner and the Prosecutor, the Jury acquitted her.

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