Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

28th February 1722

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17220228-61

William Good proceedingsdefend , of St. Andrew Holbourn , was indicted for Assaulting Margaret Kemp proceedingsvictim on the Highway, and taking from her a silk Handkerchief, value 3 s. 6 d. on the 6th of January last. Margaret Kemp depos'd, that going along Holbourn about 9 at Night, her Handkerchief was snatch'd off her Neck: she cry'd out, and saw the Thief run into Stichbourn Court, and thence cross the way into Red Lyon Street. The Handkerchief was found about the prisoner's Neck; which the Prosecutor and another swore positively to. The prisoner in his defence said, that standing at his stall in Stichbourn Court: and seeing the Mob running, he ran after them into Red Lyon Street, and coming back found the Handkerchief on the ground; he shew'd it to his Wife and a publick company in an Ale-house that same Night. Thomas Hall < no role > depos'd, that the prisoner was standing at his Stall, when the Woman cry'd stop Thief and the Mob run by, and he ran after them. William Rose < no role > depos'd, that he saw the prisoner take up the Hankerchief. He was acquitted .

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