Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

7th December 1720

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17201207-13

Elizabeth Shanks proceedingsdefend ,was indicted for privately stealing a Silver Watch, Case, Chain and Seal from the Person of fames Burstal proceedingsvictim , on the 21 st of April, 1719 . The Prosecutor deposed, that he had been drinking freely with some Friends at a Tavern at the other end of the Town, and as he was going home between 1 and 2 in the Morning, over against Foster-Lane-end in Cheapside the Prisoner jostled him, and his Watch was gone in an instant. That he was sure the Prisoner was the Person; that he had try'd always find her out and at last Jonathon Wild < no role > This name instance is in set 3033. found his Watch at the Pawn Brokers. Mr. Clarke deposed, that the prisoner brought that Watch to him in White Chapel, and borrow'd 40 s. on it. the 21st of April, 1719, that he knew her well, she having liv'd formerly by him in Church-Lane. The Watch was produced in Court, and swore to by the Prosecutor. The Prisoner in her Defence said that the Prosecutor pickt her up in Cheapside, told her that he was such a Lord's Son, took her into a by Place and woul d lay her down; he said he had but half a Crown in his Pocket; pull'd off his Blue Cloak to lay her on, but she would not, whereupon he pull'd his Watch our of his Pocket and gave it her; that he call'd at her Lodgings the next Morning and askt for his Watch, has been in her Company since and offer'd her 3 s. 6 d. to lay her down; but she called no Evidence to prove any thing she had said; nor any to her Reputation, and the Jury not taking her Word for it, found her Guilty . Death .

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