Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

3rd March 1720

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17200303-21

Hannah Chew proceedingsdefend , of St. James's Westminer , was indicted for feloniously stealing a Silver Spoon, 23 Guineas and a half and 6 Shillings in Silver, the Goods and Money of George Wilkinson proceedingsvictim in the House of Samuel Hawkins < no role > , on the 27th of January last . George Wilkinson < no role > deposed, that the Prisoner and her Mother came to see his Wife, call'd for some Drink, then said she was not well, and pretended to go down, but went up Stairs and took the Goods and Money aforesaid; that she was apprehended the next Day, and part of the Money found upon her; that the confest it before the Justice, which confession sign'd by her was read in Court. The Constable deposed that at Night when she was in the Round-House she took on very much, confest the Fact, and where she had pawn'd the Spoon, which was found accordingly and produc'd in Court and own'd by the Prosecutor. The Jury found her Guilty . Death .

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