Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

14th May 1719

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17190514-13

Mary Picket proceedingsdefend of St. Dunstan at Stepney was indicted for receiving stolen Goods from John Easton < no role > , convicted last Sessions for the same, knowing them to be stolen . It fully appeared that the Goods were sold at a very low rate; but the Prisoner in her Defence pleaded, that she kept a Smith's Shop , and that her Servant bought the Goods mentioned in the Indictment (which were 3 Iron Bars) in her absence: She also called some to her Reputation, one who deposed he had known her 4 Years, had de alt with her for Pounds and always found her a very honest poor Woman. The Jury Acquitted her.

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